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© 2021 by Digital Anush.

  • Will You Be Doing On-Going Management for The Ads?
    No. I will help you launch the Facebook lead generation campaign that I have created but if you need me to manage it on daily basis and optimize for better performance, I can send you a custom offer.
  • With How Much Budget We Can Start?
    •Well, it's all up to you. We can start with as little as 10$ to Thousands of Dollars. But I suggest starting with a small budget and test the performance for a week then take a big jump. •INR – 800/- to 2k-4k-8k So-on
  • Any Sale’s Promise?
    No Digital Marketer can give you Sale’s Promises – If he is giving you sales promises your with a wrong Person / Company Our Leads Accuracy is 60 – 65% from Meta Ads
  • Will There Be Any AB Testing?
    Yes, that's where the magic is. We will create 2 variations of the ad to test which works the best.
  • Can You Do Any Other Lead Generation or Only Real Estate?
    I am totally focused on real estate but if you an interesting business for which I can generate leads. You can Contact me to discuss.
  • Will You Design the Ad Copy as Well?
    Yes, I will take care of the designs required for the ads which fits ads policy’s. Note: You can Provide your ad copy if the design is ready with you Facebook Ad – 1200*628 px 1200*1200 px (Accepted Size’s)
  • What If I Don't Have a Facebook Page / Ad Account?
    Don't worry, a lot of my real estate clients ran a lead generation campaign for the first time. I will create your ad account as well. But for Facebook Page you can message me so that I can create one for you.
  • Do I need a Landing Page/ Website for This?
    No, it is not necessary. We can collect the leads data on Facebook Ad platform itself. But, having said that if you have a website, we can send the people who have filled the form to your site.
  • How much experience do you have in Real Estate?
    I have successfully helped Many realtors like you setup their lead generation campaigns on Facebook.
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